Wednesday, June 29, 2011

apocolyptic love song

throw rocks at my window pane
light my ciggerate while we stand in the rain

cup my face with your hand when we kiss
tell me tonight you need nothing more than this

bring not roses but red wine
phone off the hook
pay no mind to the time

are we the only hearts left beating
has the world dissapeared
all that matters is now and here
cuz our blood runs hot
and this love perseveres

let them kill each other
outside in the city
they can riot they can war
we're locked up tight in each others arms

oblivion is our chosen excistance
ignorance is bliss
not fight and resistance

they cant pry me off of you
no matter what they threaten to do

noone gets it, how we're so stuck
they dissaprove
jealous of our luck

we shouldnt work out to the people outside
but magic is in the madness when you and i collide


Monday, June 27, 2011

love song for a glove.

rewind us back to the night

that we lost track of the light
frozen in time, dreaming up lines
our memories stuck on repeat
moments tragic moments sweet
sitting at the piano
you'd play
i'd flow
scared to sing out
i always held back
but you gave me a push and i could let go
rewind us back to the time
your lips and my lips aligned

we were two crazy hearts
a sum of a few broken parts
but we fit like a glove
stuck on each other like love

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

true romance vs. new romance

lately ive noticed that the word ROMANCE has escaped from every aspect of modern dating. boys, here are some characteristics of TRUE ROMANCE that us girls MIIIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. CALLING to ASK for a DATE consisting of a nice dinner/dancing/bowling/boating/theatre (NOT MOVIES)

2. the man actually pulling out his wallet and at the very LEAST offering to pay for the evenings activities.

3. whatever happened to JUST KISSING!?!

4. turning off all cellphones/twitters/facebook/email devices during said date.

5. wearing cologne and having fresh breath.

6. ask us questions about ourselves and BE interested, dont just act interested while you WAIT to speak.

7. when we walk together, stand on the outside of me, closest to the road. and always offer your jacket if im chilly.

8. hug me really really tight all of the time, for no apparent reason.

9. make me laugh and laugh at me.

10.  TURN ONS: tulips. shoulder massages. long hair. v-necks. tatoos. dark eyes. warm smiles. new yorkers. artists.boys that pat my hair. kiss my forehead. make me mix cds. call me your muse. like my poetry. read classic literature. be a poet with me, even if you dont tell a soul. let me talk you into a pair of skinny jeans. compliment my clothes, even if theyre kooky. love my family. love my friends. tell me im all you need, and that you just cant get enough. inspire me. be kind, always. tip generously. dont put me on the backburner, ever. be my partner in crime. be spontaneous. be understanding. be patient. be the rock that i need.

new romance/2011 dating normals that we wish were nevers.

1. text me or facebook message me to ask if i want to go to a movie or 'swing by your apt' for a drink.

2. dont make me pay on the first few dates. even if i put up a fight. you look like a scrub--loser!

3. just because i give in for a goodnight kiss and or wore a slightly provocative outfit doesnt mean that im jumping into bed with you and have sex all night. TAKE IT SLOW boys! GEEEEZZZZ.

4. boys on their cell phones even during the most casual of first dates is SUCH a turn off. and a guy with a twitter account might as well just chop off his genitals and put on a dress.

5. axe deoderant does NOT i repeat NOT count as cologne. its our first couple of dates-spring for some nice smelling clean cologne. i KNOW mens magazines at have samples....ftw

6. boys now only talk about themselves, their money, their fraternity (BARFFFF), their EX GIRLS (A HUGEEEEEEEEE NOOO NOOOOO. talk about an ex around me, and seal your fate right then. also, its not sexy to constantly talk about your 'craft' whether it be art, theatre, acting, sculpting...not sexy at all.

7. when we walk together dont walk in front of me. you could turn around and some homeless maniac could have me hostage. pay attention and wait for me, asshole.

8. if you never touch me unless its in an effort to get me naked, you will never get me naked.

9. if you dont have a sense of humor, dont bother. middle school humor and bad jokes need not apply.

10. turn offs:WHINING, bossy boys, bitchy boys, cheap boys, smelly boys, one-uppers, big talkers, sex crazed man whores, boys who use the term FAG or any racial slurs, ignorance, intolerance, short hair, polo shirts, khaki pants, sweater vests (unless you are a super cool hipster), clean shaven baby faces (gross!), and boys who dont treat their mothers nicely. boys that shop at the mall. boys with monogrammed anything. boys who are boys and not men.


Monday, June 13, 2011

my haven

lately it has been really hard for me to write anything.  i have found that self expression is coming easier by making art-at least my version of it.

 i found this photograph of a skeleton smoking a ciggereate at an estate sale. i had to have it. it really spoke to my ooky gothic side for some reason. my sister asked me if it was self-portrait.
 just a few of the collages i have done, and photos of things i think are beautiful.

a quote from romeo and juliet. this sums up my thoughts on God.
both of these are drawings/collages i did after a breakup. they are special to me because of the therapy they provided.

Friday, June 10, 2011

25 things

a cool girl i know listed 20 things about her sister, and her sister listed 20 things about her and they were really interesting to read. i think its also a way to go inside yourself and pull out memories, characteristics, bad habits...cathartic. heres my 20.

1.  ive been writing poetry since i was 14. some of it is really profound, some of it is downright embarrassing, and some of it is about b o y s.

2. ive been biting my fingernails since i had teeth. no lie. ive tried everything to make myself stop. its a losing battle.

3. im vegetarian. i used to eat tuna every single day for lunch, so this is a new phase for me. so far, so good.

4.  wine, coffee, hummus, broccoli, eggplant, animal crackers, chips and salsa are my vices. ive tried every brand of salsa out there. no lie. i go through a jar a day...and i have an addiction to hummus. its not cute.

5.  some people dress for the opposite sex, some people dress for the same sex, i dress for myself and myself only. if i want to wear one earring only, or white knee socks with saddle shoes, or moccasin boots with a swimsuit, i will. to each their own--i dig my style. so there!

6.  my sister and i can read each others minds basically. i love how close we are. shes my rock and im her comic relief.

7.  i rarely wash my hair. i hate it with a fiery passion. i look like a little kid with clean hair, and i feel less confident! to my credit though, i never smell. like, i dont sweat really. and i dont eat weird food so i dont smell like garlic or pizza or whatever. haha.

8. a day spent garage saleing or thrifting beats rodeo drive or the best mall any day. hands down.

9. i cant be fake. i wont be fake. if i dont like you, you will know it. every emotion i have is written on my face at all times. sorry!

10. if you have ever said anything bad about me/my sister/my family/my fashion sense, i remember. forever. its a sick thing, but i hold a grudge. im trying to get over it.

11. i dont trust very easily. but once i love you, i love you forever. my sister and i share that characteristic, but shes more open to getting to know people and gives them the benefit of the doubt where im more of a skeptic.

12. when i grocery shop i have to open every single thing i got and eat a little something out of it. i cant stand the suspense of having something delicious sitting in my cabinet unopened. true story.

13. im obsessed with sienna miller, the olsens, alison mosshart (FAVE), kate moss, keira knightley, diane keaton, sofia coppola.

14.  please dont ask me to go to the movies. i have the attention span of a flea. you'll hate me-im squirmy and restless.

15. i have made the drive from texas to california several times, and it just motivates me to see the rest of the country by way of a ROAD TRIP. someday.

16. i dont really ever go for blonde guys. basically everyone i have ever really adored has been brunette with dark eyes. but its funny because im a ginger magnet!

17. when i lived in los angeles i was almost on a reality show about the fashion industry and the auditions were the WEIRDEST process ever.

18.  im super affectionate EVENTUALLY but at first im so awkward and prude.

19.  my heart has only been broken to pieces one time, and once was enough. im on strike.

20. in my old age im learning to be more gracious, more responsible, to pause and be thankful--to not pass judgement (which is hard) be more like my mommy....(shes a saint)...and im learning that my ass isnt where it once was, that staying in shape is only getting harder, and an early bedtime beats a night out at the bar every day of the week.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


 my puppy and my kitty. they love each other.
 cowboy boots. especially red ones. im on the quest for the perfect pair of GOLD cowboy boots. ive worn them for years, and i always will-texas or not.
 i adore crochet. more than crochet, i adore anything with fringe. this wrap for sale on my ETSY site has it all. i think whoever buys it will have to pry it from my spindly little fingers.
 last day in los angeles. manhattan beach. reflecting...did i do the right thing?
my old house in LOS ANGELES. how i miss it almost every single day. one of my dearest friends lives there now, so im happy someone who loves it like i did can call it home.

Monday, June 6, 2011

the new abc's

these are some observations, some generalizations....but for ME and MY life and MY experiences, these are my new abc's. disclaimer-these only apply to heterosexual men. and not all of these are 100 percent true. there are exceptions to every rule. MAYBE

a is for ADAM, ANdRew (andy), Aaron. these boys arent really bad at all. dont RUN the other way immediately-dont even keep one foot out the door. but do always be certain that ADAMS are incredibly cocky. Andrews are pretty douchey, especially if they go by ANDY and they are over the age of 9. In kindergarten an ANDREW broke my heart because he picked an oh so simple laura over my complicated grass stained kneed lanky self. still bitter. and Aarons are two faced. they want you to think they are artsy, but really they have a comic book between the pages of war and peace.

B is for brady, brody, bradley....basically 'b's are footballl stars who miss the glory days of high school. or insert whatever type of mediocre teenage activity suits your man. a tennis star who peaked in 11th grade and still sports his letter jacket. you get it. again,not BAD people, just proceed with extreme caution to prepare for inevitable callousness.

C cameron, chris. i know one chris who is insanely handsome. but he's a tortured artist. other than that, most c's i know are pretty damn generic and harmless. cody, christopher, craig, charles....nice guys. vanilla. no edge. more prep than panache.

D is for David, Devin, Derek. Most dereks i know lead with their genitals in every situation. Davids are dependable where Daves are douchey. and Devin peeked into my window when i was changing in 8th grade so, devins are despicable.

E is for eric. erics are spunky, dramatic, argumentative. but always up for a good time. if a good time to you is a bar fight, a fist fight, a food fight....really any sort of fight.

to be continued........................................................