Monday, May 2, 2011

first swap meet!

i had great expectations for my very first booth at a 'swap meet' or the more...redneck?...term 'flea market.'

hmmm. i dont think the people of canton texas quite knew how to grasp the racks of vintage leopard print and sequined treasures hanging from the racks in my booth. the wind was insane-my racks blew over more than a couple of times. the sky threatened rain each day...luckily only a few sprinkles are all that i encountered. the weather was the least of my worries.

a funny little man with a few teeth missing tried to talk me down from 15 dollars for a DOPE vintage hat to 5 dollars. um, NO i paid 10 for it originally SIR. he came back the next day and bought it. he told me i looked interesting. how sweet...? i sold my favorite vintage fur cape to a fat woman who also griped about the BARGAIN price of 80 bucks she was getting it for. It looked better on me, i thought as i said NO WAY i adore this piece rosanne. It was 85 degrees and humid, so i took the cash and never looked back.

the number of able bodied people i saw trolling the aisles on motorized scooters chomping on turkey legs and slurping on large 4 dollar lemonades was enough to make me thank the lucky stars that i am a vegetarian who actually likes to use the two legs that god gave me. BUT i guess you never know until you try, and i am thankful that i have supportive family and friends to cheer me on-even though an outcome seems pretty abyssmal. Here are a couple of pictures from my adventure!

1 comment:

  1. amazing set up! btw your picture in the white dress... I DIE YOU ARE SO GORGE! miss you girl and i love reading your posts.
